UseCase usage
Define UseCase
UseCase is a abstract class with one abstract suspend function. It has two generic parameters. The first is to define
Argument type, the second is to define Return type. If you don't need any of these, just put in z Unit
The suspend function will be executed on non-ui thread. Don't forget to freeze()
the UseCase in init
Any properties has to be initialized/injected above the init block because of freezing.
// shared/src/commonMain/../domain/
class GetCoinsListUseCase : UseCase<Unit, List<Coin>>() {
private val coinStore: CoinStore = CoinStore(RestApiManager, DatabaseManager)
init {
override suspend fun build(arg: Unit): List<Coin> {
val list = coinStore.fetchCoins() {
Coin(,, it.icon, it.symbol, it.price)
return list
Execute UseCase
To be able to execute the UseCase you have to be in the scope of CoroutineScopeOwner
. On the Android side
you can take advantage of viewModelScope
from Android Architecture Components (AAC). On the iOS side
you can use ArkitektViewModel
from km-viewmodel
. If you need to execute the UseCase outside of ViewModel,
e.g. in a Service, you need to implement CoroutineScopeOwner
and provide CoroutineScope
by yourself.
Usage on Android
Define a BaseViewModel:
// androidApp
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel
import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope
import app.futured.arkitekt.kmusecases.scope.CoroutineScopeOwner
abstract class BaseViewModel : ViewModel(), CoroutineScopeOwner {
override val coroutineScope = viewModelScope
Execute the UseCase:
// androidApp
class CoinsViewModel : BaseViewModel() {
private val getCoinsUseCase = GetCoinsListUseCase()
var coins by mutableStateOf(emptyList<Coin>())
var isLoading by mutableStateOf(false)
fun fetchCoins() {
getCoinsUseCase.execute(Unit) {
onStart { isLoading = true }
onSuccess {
coins = it
isLoading = false
onError {
isLoading = false
Usage on iOS
// iosApp
import shared
class BaseViewModel : Km_viewmodelArkitektViewModel {
deinit {
Execute the UseCase:
// iosApp
import shared
class CoinsViewModel : BaseViewModel, ObservableObject {
@Published var coins = [Coin]()
private let getCoinsUseCase = GetCoinsListUseCase()
func getCoins() {
getCoinsUseCase.execute(self, args: KotlinUnit()) {
$0.onSuccess { list in
self.coins = list as [Coin]
$0.onError { error in
FlowUseCase usage
Head out to FlowUseCase section.
Check out the usage in the example